Image Gallery

multnomah falls.jpeg

William Samuel Parrot, Multnomah Falls, ca. 1890

smaller  beach cliff.jpeg

Constance Edith Fowler, Beach Cliff, 1932

smaller dark river.jpeg

C.S. Price, The Dark River, 1938

smaller Domain.jpeg

Carl Hall, Domain, 1948-1949

smaller Coast Guard.jpeg

Andrew MacDuffie Vincent, Coast Guard Station on the Oregon Coast, 1949

another meadow.jpg

Michael Dailey, Meadow Landscape, 1972

smaller entinels of time.jpeg

Michele Russo, Sentinels of Time, 1993

smaller Tree curtian.jpeg

Michael Brophy, The Tree Curtain, 2004

smaller River, lavadour.jpeg

James Lavadour, River #16, 2007

smaller water reaching.jpeg

April Waters, Water Reaching for Itself, Willamette Flood #3, 2010