Animal and Vegetal Motifs


Friedman, Florence D. Beyond the Pharoahs: Egypt and the Copts in the 2nd and 7th Centuries A.D. Providence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, 1989.

Haas, Christopher. Alexandria in Late Antiquity: Topography and Social Conflict. Baltimore and London: The John Jopkins University Press, 1997.

Late Egyptian and Coptic Art: An Introduction to the Collections in the Brooklyn Museum. New York: The John B. Watkins Compant, 1943.

Maguire, Eunice Dauterman. Weavings From Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Egypt: The Rich Life and the Dance. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Krannert Art Museum + Kinkead Pavilion, 1999.

Noever, Peter. Fragile Remnants: Egyptian Textiles of Late Antiquity and Early Islam. Translated by Abigail Ryan-Prohaska. Los Angeles: Schindler House, 2005.

Thomas, Thelma K. Designing Identity: The Power of Textiles in Late Antiquity. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016.

Animal and Vegetal Motifs