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Not Unto Himself Alone Was He Born

Senator Mark O. Hatfield’s foreign policy advisers reunite for a lively discussion on topics such as the Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, military expenditures, and international human rights. The Roundtable explores the origins of the Senator’s interest in foreign policy, his philosophy, his work for social justice, and the legacy of his accomplishments. Q & A follows.

Mark O. Hatfield

A Roundtable Discussion on the Legacy of Senator Mark O. Hatfield '43 and U.S. Foreign Policy.

Roundtable Participants (left to right)

  • Introductory remarks: Gary Barbour ’76
  • Rick Rolf
  • Wes Granberg-Michaelson
  • Tom Getman
  • Moderator: Christopher Foss ’07
  • Walt Evans L67
  • Jack Robertson

Honored Guests: Antoinette Hatfield, Elizabeth Hatfield-Keller, Greg Keller, and Gerry Frank.

The Event

Event recorded January 26, 2016, 5-7 P.M.  Hudson hall, Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. (program)
Sponsors: Willamette University Archives, History Department, Politics Department


Copyright: Willamette University

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